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Covid: WHO team probing origin of virus arrives in China

Ns News Online Desk:Ns News Online Desk: A World Health Organization (WHO) team has arrived in the Chinese city of Wuhan to start its investigation into the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic. The long-awaited probe comes after months of negotiations between the WHO and Beijing.

A group of 10 scientists is set to interview people from research institutes, hospitals and the seafood market linked to the initial outbreak.

Covid-19 was first detected in Wuhan in central China in late 2019.

Ns News Online Desk:

They will undergo two weeks of quarantine before beginning their research, which will rely upon samples and evidence provided by Chinese officials.

Team leader Peter Ben Embarek told AFP news agency just before the trip that it “could be a very long journey before we get a full understanding of what happened”.

“I don’t think we will have clear answers after this initial mission, but we will be on the way,” he said.

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The probe, which aims to investigate the animal origin of the pandemic, looks set to begin after some initial hiccups.

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