Ns News Online Desk: DUBAI: The Riyadh education department on Wednesday has announced the closure of all schools and universities in the capital, and the provinces affiliated with Ramah and Thadig and Muzahmip and Hremala and Daraia and Hrdma, Saudi state-run news agency. The administration explained that the suspension of studies was due to the sandstorm, with the Saudi General Authority for Meteorology and Environmental Protection issuing the decision to ensure the safety of students.
The Saudi met office said the storm would likely continue for a few more days, with southern winds to hit speeds of 55km/h. Temperatures are expected to drop in the central and eastern regions of Saudi Arabia with low visibility due to the thick dust in the air.
But airline traffic won’t be affected by the storms, according to Director of the department of information and public relations in the airport Turki Al-Dheeb.