
Spring nor’easter could bury NYC in 15 inches of snow

Ns News Online DeskNs News Online Desk: New York- March came in like a lion, and has turned into a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

A spring storm is expected to dump as much as 15 inches of snow on the Big Apple on Wednesday — leaving New Yorkers wondering if they’ll ever be able to pack up their winter gear.The late-season strike is the fourth nor-easter to clobber the city in the last three weeks — and led Mayor de Blasio to shut down schools for the day.

“Everyone is tired of it,” said AccuWeather senior meteorologist Dave Samuhel, noting the recent spats of snowfall and below average temperatures. “It’s unfortunate really,” he told The Post. “It’s gonna be another rough one.”

While AccuWeather predicted about 6 to 10 inches of snow to fall throughout all five boroughs, city officials said the total could go as high as 15 inches in some areas. “I call bulls–t on this weather,” fumed Alex Oliphant, 23, of Norwalk, Conn.

“First day of spring and we get a nor’easter? I feel betrayed,” he said. Long Island resident Elizabeth Burke, 38, agreed — saying she was sick and tired, as well. “I am so done with winter already,” she said. “I can go a while longer without tank tops and open toed shoes, but it’s the first day of spring, so give me something — a little sun at least,” Burke said. “Anything but another snowstorm!”

The nor’easter is expected to bring temperatures down to the lower 30s, and city officials said to prepare for the high end of the snow forecasts. “Everybody get ready because we’ve got some very unpredictable weather about to hit us,” de Blasio said at a press conference with his Office of Emergency Management.

“It’s the first day of spring officially. And yet I’m telling you about a big snowstorm about to hit us,” Hizzoner said. “This proves what I’ve said for a long time — Never trust groundhogs.”
The storm was expected to start slowly around 9 a.m., before picking up steam and dumping most of its payload during the afternoon and evening commutes. “I want to caution everybody,” de Blasio said. “You might wake up in the morning and see nothing. You might even go to school and see nothing. But based on what we’re hearing now you’re going to see a lot more as the day goes on.”

De Blasio warned against unnecessary travel — and MTA officials said if the snow reaches up to 10 inches in certain areas, they would temporarily suspend service to clear tracks. New Jersey Transit said they’d be implementing a severe weather rail schedule. Wind gusts were forecast to reach speeds of 40 to 45 mph.

“Even though its now spring it’s gonna be one of our worst winter storms we’ve had this year,” explained Samuhel. “It’s going to significantly impact travel and will likely cause some power outages — due to the heavy, wet snow. It’s going to be a mess.”

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