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Spy’s daughter released from hospital after poisoning

Ns News Online DeskNs News Online Desk:The Russian embassy in London said: “We congratulate Yulia Skripal on her recovery. Yet we need urgent proof that what is being done to her is done on her own free will.”

The day before the poison attack, Yulia had arrived in England from Moscow to spend Easter with her father, who had been recruited by Britain’s MI6 and was arrested for treason in Moscow in 2004.

He ended up in Britain after being swapped in 2010 for Russian spies captured in the US. In a short statement issued through London police last week, Yulia said: “I woke up over a week ago now and am glad to say my strength is growing daily.”

According to a report in the Sunday Times of London, the UK wants to resettle the Skripals in one of the so-called “five eyes” countries: Britain, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. “The obvious place to resettle them is in America, because they’re less likely to be killed there and it’s easier to protect them there under a new identity,” an intelligence source told the paper.

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